EVENT 【最終日】\クレーンゲーム/スコア20点以上でソノヒグラシマスコット🎁 INFO 🎋七夕の願い事を短冊メーカーで INFO 【配信者の方へ】ツイキャスで収益を得るには

Whoa it's been a really long while. I'm just reading tho. / Live?

  • レベル 11
  • サポーター 28
Hello, I'm just a random chatterbox who made this account to practice speaking in English and Japanese. I'm from Indonesia and I don't have friends who speak both languages verbally. My mother tongue is Sundanese, Karandapan in Sundanese means "to experience" / "experiencing" / "going through something in time". Nice to meet you!
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