Members OnlyCONTENTS

General perks

  • Perk #1

    Membership badges
    Membership badges

    Only members can place a badge
    next to their comment!

  • Perk #2

    Member's card
    Member's card

    A digital membership card
    exclusive to the members!

  • Perk #3

    App-only contents
    App-only contents

    Use special gifts and access
    members-only contents!

  • Perk #4


    DVR feature exclusively available
    for members-only contents!

Exclusive Perks

  • Members-only stream
  • フランスパンおばさんのグッズ購入権利
    過去に描いていたフラおばのグッズをつくってほしい!の声にお応えするため作られた限定特典。購入希望者はSUZURIで買えます!(SUZURIでは非表示にしています。 ※購入希望者はお気軽にご連絡ください ※現在の画風とは違うため非表示
  • Members-only gift
    Members-only gift with original design

MembershipSTAR Install Membership STAR App to get access to the exclusive contents

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on favorite creator's actions!

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