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Nadia. Stop slandering people

Nadia. Stop slandering people

I would like to open with:
Duress describes the act of using force, coercion, threats, or psychological pressure, among other things, to get someone to act against their wishes.
None of these things we EVER did to you, Nadia.

You, on the other hand, have done such things. You told us stories to vilify your family–making us all believe you’d have no money to take care of your amenities (a dash of coercion) and you wanted makeup but were worried your aunt would tease you about having a boyfriend. These “fake friends” you keep referring to stuck their necks out for you to get you a gift basket. They managed to do this in the middle of a pandemic. People were getting laid off left and right and they found the money to help you. In the process of trying to put gifts together for you, you became demanding.
